Sunday, March 28, 2010

7-Keto DHEA – great for immune function and memory amongst other things. . .

7-Keto DHEA a particular metabolite of DHEA that does not convert into testosterone or estrogen (an issue with DHEA). It's claimed benefits include "excellent support of the immune system, thyroid, healthy memory, and safe weight management" (see It is also claimed to have anti-aging effects, to support adrenal function and help with the management of diabetes. The best article on DHEA, and 7-Keto that I've found is here:

I thought I would post on it for two reasons, firstly, my anecdotal experience that this supplement really does work for immune function and memory, and secondly, a reflection on the importance of doctors who know what they're doing.

Anecdotal experience

So – I came across 7-Keto DHEA because on doctor's recommendations I added 7-Keto DHAE, sublingual B-12 (1000 mg) and Vitamin D3 (1000 mg) in January to my usual mix of a multivit, separate calcium and magnesium supplement, glutamine (see my first post on this blog ) and d-ribose (more on this another day).

The main thing I noticed is that is that I haven't had one cough or cold since, compared to almost continual colds from September through to December last year. My memory is also better, I have pretty good visual recall but my ability to recall and pull together information has definitely improved. Now B-12 also can help immune and brain function, so it is hard to peg these improvements just on the 7-Keto DHEA, but I suspect it has played a role as important as the B-12 on these.

Finding a doctor who will prescribe supplements and vitamins

I thought I knew a bunch about nutrition but I hadn't come across sublingual B12 in this huge dose or 7-Keto DHEA until they were recommended by my thyroid doctor. It is yet again a reminder that if your doctor either can't tell you what is wrong with you and/ or won't recommend supplements and vitamins, find a new doctor.

While I have always broadly agreed with the proposition that you should be able to get everything you need from your diet, if you're living a demanding lifestyle or you have an underlying condition you may not be in a position to absorb vitamins as easily as you should. So assuming you may need additional vitamins and supplements, figuring out what you need can be really tricky and I do think you need a doctor's help with that and some blood tests. The reality is that there are vitamins and supplements available in health food stores or even supermarkets that can have very powerful effects. Just as an example, the dosage of B12 now available as sublingual is the equivalent of what was previously only available in injection form which would require an expensive prescription and doctor's visit.

I think doctors are probably the last of the professions whose advice is not questioned as a general rule. There's absolutely no reason why that should be, and like all professionals, there are good doctors and bad doctors, and doctors who have specialist experience and those who don't. However, doctors seem to be able to get away with cheerfully telling clients that symptoms are "in their head" or that there is "nothing wrong" when the reality is that the doctor just doesn't know. Doctors can also be quick to describe something as "alternative" or "unnecessary" like vitamins and supplements (and I've always had that response in the past from doctors) when these things are just are outside their particular experience.

I guess the key question then is how to find a doctor who knows what they're doing. Patient reviews are a great leap forward, and I don't think you need to necessarily be looking for a thyroid doctor to make use of Mary Shomon's patient review site: Look for a GP/MD or Internist with a general practice, it will take some hunting but the doctor you find should be substantially better than the average.


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